Summer at Walker's

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Silvia Manent ’08

Silvia Manent

Silvia Manent '08

Concord, MA


B.B.A., ESADE Business School (Barcelona, Spain)
M.B.A., ESADE Business School (Barcelona, Spain)

Silvia is the Founder & Managing Partner at Manent Capital, a boutique investment management firm in Boston.

What do you find to be the most rewarding part of being on the board?

Helping younger women break into finance and find a meaningful life and career.

What is your fondest memory or tradition from your time at Walker’s?

Tennis practice with my team (I am going to cry!) Such amazing memories!

Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

Mr. Patterson, our history teacher. He was the sweetest man and taught me so much about African history.

What was your favorite class you took while studying at Walker’s?


What was your favorite spot on campus?

The tennis courts! I loved the spring and the fresh-cut grass next to the tennis courts.

How did attending Walker’s impact your path and where you are now?

Our head of school would always say, “put yourself outside of your comfort zone!” This is one of the reasons I went to college abroad. I felt extremely uncomfortable doing that but it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences.

Please list 3-5 fun facts about you:

I am obsessed with burgers (always trying to find the best), I love to travel and play tennis, and I am originally from Barcelona and visit twice a year.