Teresa C. Younger

Teresa Younger

Teresa C. Younger

CEO and President, Ms. Foundation for Women

Brooklyn, NY

Teresa earned a BS in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies from the University of North Dakota and an honorary doctorate in Humanities from the University of New Haven. In 2014, she became CEO and President of the Ms. Foundation for Women, the first women’s foundation in the United States. A noted speaker, advocate, and activist, Teresa has been on the frontlines of some of the most important battles for women’s health, safety and economic justice. In 2015, she was honored by Planned Parenthood Federation of America as a Dream Keeper and given Liberty Bank’s Willard M. McRae Community Diversity Award. Teresa served on the boards of the ERA Coalition/Fund for Women’s Equality, Universal Healthcare Foundation of CT, the Women’s Campaign School at Yale University and the Essie Justice Group. She is a lifetime Girl Scout, and was Board Chair for Girl Scouts of Connecticut from 2008-2013, and of the New York Women’s Forum.