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Cosima von Peterffy-Rolff ’23 Plays at Carnegie Hall

Cosima von Peterffy-Rolff '23 Carnegie Hall

Cosima von Peterffy-Rolff ’23, a flutist with the Symphonic Youth Wind Orchestra, participated in The New York Wind Band Festival at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City earlier this month. The Symphonic Youth Wind Orchestra, with 80 wind musicians and based in Cologne, Germany, took Gold — the competition’s highest honor!  

Cosima von Peterffy-Rolff '23 Carnegie Hall

The New York Wind Band Festival, celebrating its 20th anniversary, is a festival that allows young musicians the opportunity to grow and create memorable experiences in music, and part of its success is credited to the fine musical ensembles that look for the best performance experience possible. The renowned Carnegie Hall certainly provides that. Admission into the Festival is based on audition only and is limited to six high school groups and two showcase university wind ensembles.

The awards are based on performance level and recognized with a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. 

Cosima studies flute at The Ethel Walker School under the direction of award-winning flutist Allison Hughes. She has been playing for 9 years, previously in her hometown of Cologne, Germany. Cosima is at Walker’s for one year and serves as a scholar-leader for ASSIST. ASSIST is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization that matches academically talented, multilingual international students with American independent secondary schools. We are so lucky to have her!