Opened fall 2016, the Centennial Center seamlessly integrates athletics, academics and the social dimensions of life, ensuring Walker’s facilities reflect the caliber and innovation of the School’s academics and other programs.
In 2012, the School implemented a phased approach to upgrade its existing athletic facilities and add new facilities where there was a need. The first phase was the overhall of all playing fields, completed in 2013. The opening of the Centennial Center in 2016 marked the final stage of the revamp, including the addition of a new pool, two dance studios, and squash courts.
The Centennial Center integrates and modernizes Walker’s facilities to reflect the way girls learn and live, with expanded social spaces for engaging with the Walker’s community and the community at large.
The facility also builds on Walker’s rich history in the arts to offer more music, theater, dance, and visual arts experiences, and increases the School’s recognition of Walker’s as one of the country’s finest all girls college preparatory schools based on academics, programs, and facilities.