Social Justice

Be a voice for change and belonging

At Walker’s, we create and sustain communities where every student experiences belonging. Students are a crucial voice who shape and drive our work forward. We center student experience with their multiple social identities in order to prepare them for full and intentional lives within and beyond Walker’s. 

Through student affinity groups and regular dialogue across differences, Walker’s develops critically engaged students committed to social change and transformative impact. We develop community through empathy, culturally responsive teaching and reciprocal learning. We acknowledge the value of diversity within our community and weave Social Justice and Inclusion into the fabric of who we are and what we do. This work lives in our classrooms, our dorms, on our fields, and it is central to our identity as a school.

The Ward and Williams Center for Equity and Justice

The Ward and Williams Center for Equity and Justice provides a space for students and adults to gather in a wide variety of ways, both formally and informally. As part of our Social Justice programming, it houses resources, archival information, and the offices of our Assistant Head for Student Life and Director of Social Justice. In honor of their 50th Reunion, the Class of 1971 made a collective gift to support the work of this Center in perpetuity to sustain a lasting impact on their alma mater. 

Click below to learn more about our events and happenings through The Ward and Williams Center for Equity and Justice!

November 2024 Newsletter

December 2024 Newsletter

Social Justice Courses

Middle School Social Justice Seminar is rooted in building communities of belonging as students work to understand identity and stereotypes through introspection and perspective. Students explore the many ways identity is formed by reflecting on their own identities, assumptions, stereotypes, and prejudices.

In the 9th Grade Social Justice seminar, students explore their own identities and think about the ways identity impacts their perspective and interactions with others. Students examine social systems and concepts that provide advantages to some social identity groups and restrict access and opportunity to others. Specifically, students look at the ways that stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice, and socialization affect individuals in the pursuit of justice and communities of belonging. The term concludes with students addressing the ways that they can individually take action within their own spheres of influence to create positive social change.

This history course introduces juniors and seniors to systems of social inequality in the United States. Students investigate the structural, interpersonal, and social dimensions of oppression. Course materials explores the ways that sexism, heterosexism, and racism have developed over time as well as the ways they impact each of us every day. Students will develop language, tools, and skills to create positive social change.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was conceived in the aftermath of Nazi crimes against six million Jews, Roma people, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities during the Holocaust. In this history course, juniors and seniors investigate both the historical development of a human rights philosophy, genocide in the 20th century, and contemporary human rights issues. They also learn about the role that international courts play in our understanding and commitment to protecting human rights around the world. This course is designed to examine the terrible crimes of modern world history, but also, importantly, at the resistance and cultivation of justice in their aftermath.

Conferences and Events

As a commitment to learning and growing in Justice and Equity work, Walker’s students and faculty are encouraged and supported in their attendance at conferences, community gatherings and training. This attendance contributes to and complements the work of course materials, affinity groups, and is critical in our work with students towards their growth and solidarity with others in Justice and Equity work.

Student Conferences

  • NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference
  • SPHERE Student of Color Summit
  • Jumoke’s Middle School Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Oratory Contest
  • CAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference
  • Community GAYme Nights
  • The Young Women of Color Conference (Walker’s, Choate, Miss Porter’s School and Loomis Chaffee)

Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion

SPHERE Consortium

The Ethel Walker School is a member of SPHERE, a consortium of 13 independent schools from the greater Hartford area whose mission is to encourage and assist member schools in collaboration to sustain diverse, inclusive, and culturally responsive environments for teaching and learning. Member schools seek to foster respect for difference and an understanding of multicultural perspectives in curricular and extracurricular programs.

Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion
