Our current job openings are listed below. Please contact us with any inquiries in specific areas and send your resume to careers@my.ethelwalker.org.
The Ethel Walker School does not discriminate against employees or prospective employees based on race, color, sex, age, religion, national and ethnic origin, pregnancy, present or past history of mental disability, intellectual disability, learning disability, physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected class under applicable law.
The Ethel Walker School is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).
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Horizons at The Ethel Walker School is the nation’s first all-girls Horizons program which aims to advance educational equity for girls from PreK-8th grade living and studying in Hartford. We do this by building long-term partnerships with students, families, communities and schools to create experiences outside of school that inspire the joy of learning. Every girl gains the skills, confidence and motivation to realize her potential.
Summer Offerings
We offer a six-week, full-day academic enrichment program held on The Ethel Walker School campus. Our dates this year are June 24-August 2, 2024. Girls who have finished their PreK-8th grade year and are eligible for federal free/reduced lunch are welcome to apply. The full day program includes:
School Year Offerings
We hold monthly Saturday Academies from September to May with a variety of enrichment activities at both The Ethel Walker School and at outside, local locations. Transportation and breakfast are provided at each Saturday Academy.
Horizons at The Ethel Walker School is part of the Horizons National Network which has 71 sites across the country serving more than 7,000 students. Students usually gain 8-10 weeks of growth in reading and math during the summer, as well as the joy and confidence in themselves as learners.