Walker’s Middle School Debate Team, once again, went undefeated in a highly competitive Connecticut Middle School Debate League Tournament on January 27 at Smith Middle School in Glastonbury. This is the second time the team has emerged undefeated from a tournament.
The three eighth graders – Mae Johnson, BeJay Mugo and Hailey Suller – have become a force on the debate scene, placing ninth out of nearly 60 teams. BeJay Mugo placed tenth of 177 competitors in Speaker Points. The trio dedicates many hours out of their busy schedules to prepare for the tournaments
“I am incredibly proud of these young women. The ability to think critically and effectively in a tense forum of ideas is challenging at any level. It’s even more amazing to me to see middle schools present themselves with such confidence and poise,” LeeAnn Harris, director of the Middle School.
The Middle School Debate Team began in 2014 and has become an important club on campus.