The Ethel Walker School has been awarded a prestigious Educational Leadership grant from The Edward E. Ford Foundation. This $250,000 grant, which requires a 1:1 match from the school community, will support the new Walker’s Capabilities Approach program, which will be launched over the next three years.
The Capabilities Approach program will offer a different way of thinking about learning beyond the traditional curriculum. The capabilities represent a constellation of skills, interwoven and building on each other, with the end goal being functional mastery of each skill. The acquisition of these capabilities will help our students develop resiliency as they strive to achieve baseline proficiency in these areas, with some capabilities requiring greater ‘stretching’ of limits than others. An additional outcome we will work to achieve is to encourage our girls to collaborate and bolster one another over the hurdles providing support to each other as they achieve mastery. The initial ten capabilities, divided into four themes, include:
The pilot years of the Capabilities Approach program will be spent carefully planning how to embed this program within Walker’s curriculum, to become part of the normative framework of the School rounding out the balanced experience of every Walker’s student.
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