Marion joined the Development Office in 2014 as Campaign Manager. A 12-year student of the all-girls’ Roland Park Country School in Baltimore, she then graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College and then a master’s degree from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She was then the personal assistant to a conservation architect in Edinburgh, where she met her husband, Guy. Marion lived and worked at the St. Denis and Cranley School, and all-girls’ boarding school in Edinburgh for four years before returning with Guy to the United States. While raising her two daughters here in Simsbury, she managed two businesses from home. Marion held numerous board positions and was then president of the Simsbury Newcomers Club. With both daughters attending Walker’s, she fell in love with the community here and is thrilled to be on campus with them and working for the advancement of the School.
My daughters were students here and I fell in love with the community. I wanted to be part of connecting the campus community to the wider community locally and globally.
English, because books can take you anywhere, and make you think about yourself in relationship to the world.
Memorial Chapel – a reflective moment that brings us all together and makes us aware of how wide-reaching our community is.
Enjoy all of your opportunities to try new things in a safe, supportive environment.
You are joining a community of over 4,000 Walker’s alumnae who can’t wait to connect with you!
Ride my bike, cook and read.
Constantly being amazed and inspired by the students, the faculty and the alumnae.