
Brunhilde Grassi Ryan ’29

Brunhilde Grassi Ryan '29 Athletics Hall of Fame

Brunhilde Grassi Ryan ’29

Hockey, Track, Apparatus, Basketball


A graduate of the Class of 1929 and a Sun, Brunhilde Grassi’s yearbook page says it best: “Not only is she always one of the best in every sport, but she rivals her proficiency in athletics with her academic credits in studies.” Her participation in athletics was extensive. In hockey, she was captain of the Four Corners Hockey team, captain of the Sun Hockey team, and captain of the Varsity Hockey team. In track, she was captain of the Sun Track team and a member of the Varsity Track team. She was manager of the Sun Apparatus Team and won second place in the Individual Apparatus Competition multiple years. She also played on the Sun Basketball team.

Academically, she received Honorable Mentions in Algebra, Latin, and Physics. Not surprisingly, Boots was elected President of the Athletics Board in 1929. She was awarded the Prize for Effort and Development and the Athletics “W” in 1929. The Brunhilde Grassi Cup was established to honor her, “for the girl in the Freshwoman or Sophomore Class who has shown the most sustained good spirit in work, conduct, athletics, and community living.”